I figure I need to post the recipe for Babcia's Homemade Pickle Soup up, since I am returning to Babcia's for Easter and will come back will loads more cooking photos and cooking adventure that will also need posting. So, here it is:
Polish Pickle Soup
Ingredients: Carrots
Pickles! And Pickle Juice!
Step 1: Prepare some broth-if you are carnivorous, then boil some meat with water, if you are of the vegetarian persuasion, then rock on and use some vegetarian bullion cubes.
Step 2: While the broth is boiling, or maybe before (fly by the seat of your pants on this one), wash, peel, and chop the carrots, potatoes, parsnips, and leeks. The carrots and potatoes should be in bite-sized pieces, but the parsnips and leeks don't need to be cut as small.

Step 3: This step is probably unnecessary, because once we were done cooking we decided the pickles probably didn't NEED to be peeled. But, I peeled pickles, and I think that it's worth showing this photo to the internets. You should, however, finely chop the pickles or shred them.

Step 4: Add the parsnips, carrots, potatoes, and one or two bay leaves to the broth, and let it until the vegetables are almost done. Add the leeks, pickles and all saved pickle juice at the end, then season with salt and pepper as needed.
Step 5: Dig in!

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