I arrived in
I’m in

My apartment is really crazy. It’s an old Soviet building, and it is grey like most buildings in this city. The surprising thing is that the landlord left ALL HIS OLD CRAP when he moved out…we’re talking old toothbrushes, painting supplies, dried and fake flowers, closets full of clothes, old postcards, letters, books, maps, and picture IDs. We even found a few solidarnosc souvenirs, and I nabbed a pair of killer glasses. But the best thing is without a doubt the old record player and extensive record collection-today I cooked dinner while listening to an Ella Fitzgerald album. I’m looking forward to exploring the international folk music albums. So yes, my housing situation is simultaneously creepy, and awesome, because if anyone loves old crap it's me.

Here you can see the lovely table set that sits in our windowless "living room." Yes, the benches are chess themed, and the wheel moves. Interactive furniture is endlessly entertaining. Please also note the closet that covers and entire wall of this room, and which is discreetly covered by a curtain. This area is filled with old letters, postcards, clothes, and other random junk that awaits discovery. Please ignore the mess that has exploded all over the table.

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