Wednesday, September 19, 2007

america. whoa.

reverse culture shock is starting to hit:

i'm constantly surprised that cashiers accept my debit card and do not press me for exact change. i get anxious and possessive when the grocery store bagger bags my groceries-i'm supposed to do it myself! nobody carries plastic bags around, and nobody is selling shoe laces on the sidewalk. i find these things strange. i read about solidarity, and remember the time i lived in gdansk. and warsaw. i miss the tram ride from my apartment to school, and i miss my ugly apartment itself. i miss getting lost on the trams, and even the stink of centralny train station. i miss wayne's coffee, and krakow, and gdansk with hil. i miss it being cold and i miss the adventures!

i also love america. happy belated constitution day.


Linnea said...

Hey, are you ever going to write about your re-acclimation to U.S. culture? I want to hear about that reverse culture shock!

Acree said...

haha shoelaces.

love me some Poland.